Saturday, 19 June 2010

Up n Running!

In preparation for my Race for Life I've been making a concerted effort to get myself into something resembling fit - a bit tricky as a single mum with very little time on my hands...So what to do? Hassle my family to come over and babysit for me even more than they already do? I didn't want to burden them sooo I plumped for the Wii Fit option - entertaining, keeps track of your weight loss for you, tells you how many calories you've burned, how many minutes you've worked out for and gives you a breakdown of the kinds of exercise you've focussed on (i.e. aerobic, strength, balance, etc.). I don't need a childminder, just an hour or 2 in the evening when my little boo's gone to bed.
As my fitness improved and I got into the routine of exercising at home (instead of messing around on the computer or watching NCIS) I wanted to do something more challenging. I had some free weights hiding in the cupboard, so pulled them out and incorporated some strength training into my routines.

Then the sun arrived - a rarity in the UK. I seized the opportunity to get out of the house taking my little boy to some local areas of interest such as Fewston Reservoir and Brimham Rocks - amazing places to walk, run, picnic and generally have a lovely family day out whilst keeping the activity levels up!  We also invaded my parent's trampoline - fab fun and its amazing how much energy you expend just bouncing!

I'm now addicted to improving my health through exercise and look for every opportunity to fit something in - my lunch breaks at work are now used constructively going for a run - I'm feeling the benefits daily and the only cost involved was a pair of new running shoes.

The next activity on my repertoire is climbing. Harrogate Climbing Centre opened in February 2010 and provides the area's finest climbing resource. A work colleague and I are signing up to undertake the 3 week beginner’s course to learn knots and rope work, belaying, correct use of equipment, and climbing technique.  I'm really excited!

Just walking on the beach...

As someone who's had a rather challenging life, I have found exercise to be an excellent confidence boost not only because my fitness is improving and I look better physically, but because I'm taking charge of my life and doing something for me whilst also having oodles of fun! Anyone out there procrastinating about getting their jogging bottoms on and getting active, think Nike and JUST DO IT! You don't need to live in a gym 24/7 or almost kill yourself with excerption - I started off very gently but very soon began to feel encouraged by the results and now enjoy challenging myself to do a little more or run a little further. I'm by no means a picture of health and fitness - I still have lots of wobbly bits - but now I don't care about them because they really don't matter. The mind is the important bit - focus on the mind - do activities to keep it healthy and happy (that includes getting out and about, having new experiences and adventures) and the body will follow suit.

As a single mum, the huge responsibility of balancing family and work life falls on her shoulders alone. However, like a ferocious tigress she knows how to juggle it and bring up her cubs as strong as she can. Mothers in general are one single kind whose untiring work and sacrifices on a daily routine are rarely recognized. Single mothers, recognise your worth, take a moment to be selfish and put your own needs first – you’ll feel better for it and your children will also reap the benefits of having a happy mummy!

Any single mummies in the Harrogate area who may be interested in getting together to do some light exercise, receive support and encouragement whilst socialising and generally having a laugh, please feel free to drop me a line!

Me n my wonderful mum!

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." - Jewish Proverb

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